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We recently published an update to our 50-state Shelter-In-Place / Reopening Tracker.

Please see HERE. This is updated weekly.

For your convenience, here is a summary of the major updates from around the country:

  • The governors of a few states extended their shelter-in-place orders, including Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Texas and Utah.
  • Several states have entered or will soon enter the next phase of their reopening plans or have expanded the current phase to include more businesses or regions, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Washington.
  • The state-wide shelter-in-place order in Delaware expired June 1, 2020, but phased reopening guidance is in effect.

Last, note that our Tracker now includes information about what’s open in each state.

While most states continue to encourage or even require telework or work-from-home where possible, many states continue to gradually reopen sectors of their economies as indicated in the “What’s Open” table. We added this to each page to highlight the reopening status of four major sectors (office, manufacturing, retail and bars/restaurants).

For more information, please contact your Baker McKenzie attorney.