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Join our AI and Cyber CLE Series

If your last name starts with A-G, you are probably well aware that your (recently extended) MCLE compliance deadline is on March 30, 2025. In addition to the general credit requirement, the state of California requires all attorneys to complete:

  • At least four hours of legal ethics
  • At least two hours on competence issues
  • At least two hours on the elimination of bias in the legal profession and society. Of the two hours, at least one hour must focus on implicit bias and the promotion of bias‑reducing strategies.
  • At least one hour on technology 
  • At least one hour on civility

Our Firm will offer three virtual sessions, focused on key considerations for both Cybersecurity and AI development & utilization, to help you meet your CLE requirements.

While these sessions will offer CLE credit for the upcoming California MCLE compliance deadline, we will also offer CLE credit in the states of Illinois, Texas, and New York. Participants requesting CLE for other states will receive uniform CLE certificates of attendance.

Please register for the session(s) you plan to attend. We look forward to your participation!

For questions, please contact Cian Cardenas.

AI & Human Bias Elimination in the Practice of Law

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific
1-hour Elimination of Bias credit (pending approval)

We will cover definitions as well as different forms, symptoms, and harms of bias that can adversely affect the practice of law; reasons and methods to eliminate illegal or harmful biases; practical examples and case studies from our practice.

Click here to register.

Trust & Ethics in Cyber Investigations: Essential Insights for In-House Counsel

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Pacific
1-hour Ethics credit (pending approval)

In today’s digital age, conducting cyber investigations are a critical component of cyber readiness and resilience. This session will equip in-house counsel with the knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of cyber investigations in a way that inspires trust. Cyber investigations aren’t just about digital forensics and containment – they often require traditional investigation skills and obligations to prepare for litigation and/or regulatory action: learn the fundamentals of conducting interviews, reviewing electronic communications, and fulfilling your discovery requirements; understand the unique challenges of insider threat investigations and employee rights; and explore the ethical and legal considerations in handling electronic evidence. Additionally, discover how threat actors are weaponizing AI and gain insights on leveraging AI to enhance your organization’s readiness and resilience in investigating and responding to cyber threats. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure your company is prepared for increased cyber risks in 2025.

Click here to register.

Updates in AI Regulation: Better Usage of AI Technology in the Practice of Law from California to the EU

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific
1 hour Technology credit (pending approval)

We will cover recent California updates in AI policy and regulations, with comparison to Colorado and the European Union law, and how this will affect in-house counsel members and their usage of AI tools, programs, or applications in the practice of law, with respect to cybersecurity, privacy and data protection considerations. Through the practical examples and case studies discussed in the presentation, attendees will be better equipped to ensure their law technology is compliant.

Click here to register.