We are clearly (and thankfully) well past the pandemic, and yet demands for flexible and remote work press on. While the overall global trend of transforming the traditional 9-to-5 work model is consistent, laws governing flexible work arrangements can vary significantly by jurisdiction.

We monitor this space closely (see our previous update here) and advise multinational companies on a multitude of issues bearing on remote, hybrid and flexible arrangements, including health & safety rules, working time regulations, tax and employment benefit issues, cybersecurity and data privacy protections, workforce productivity monitoring and more.

Key recent updates around the globe (organized by region) include:

Asia Pacific

  • Australia: Right to disconnect – Working 9 to [to be determined…]?
    In August 2024, a Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission finalized the new “right to disconnect” model term, which will soon be inserted into all modern awards. Whilst we wait for the Fair Work Commission to issue its guidance on the new workplace right, here’s what you should know, and what we think you should do to prepare for the introduction of the right to disconnect

Continue Reading HR Trend Watch: Maintaining compliance while unlocking the talent rewards of flexible work arrangements

Special thanks to co-presenters Maria Cecilia Reyes, Victor Estanislao Marina and Katherine Ninanya.

Many employers have made getting their arms around their remote work populations a new year’s resolution for 2024. Simultaneously, a growing number of jurisdictions are offering Digital Nomad Visas to attract foreign nationals — and some countries are actually shifting

With special thanks to co-presenters Daniel UrdiainPamela Mafuz and Ludmilla Maurer.

In our latest Global Immigration and Mobility Video chat, our on-the-ground immigration and mobility attorneys in the US, Mexico, Spain and Germany explore digital nomad visas by providing a brief overview of the requirements, process, tax and social security consequences, what