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Implementation status and background to the directive 

The European Whistleblowing Directive (WBD) was supposed to be implemented by the European Union’s 27 member states by no later than December 17, 2021, impacting employers with operations in those jurisdictions.

One year on from this deadline, despite the European Commission (EC) commencing infringement procedures against those countries that had failed to implement the WBD in January 2022, we are still waiting for 14 EU member states to do so.  While legislation is still awaited in a number of jurisdictions, we are now in a much better position to see the challenges the WBD poses for global employers.

This article looks at what those key challenges are and the unique support we can offer in helping global employers harmonize their global approach to managing whistleblowing reports within the prescriptive requirements of the WBD. For further practical insights into WBD compliance see our white paper “EU Whistleblowing Directive: Act Now to make your Whistleblowing Program compliant“.

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