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Special thanks to co-presenters Elizabeth Ebersole, Barbara Klementz, Dionna Shear, Amanda Cohen, Benjamin Ho, Jennifer Bernardo, Kaitlin Thompson, Marredia Crawford (Director, ID&E, Americas), Goli Rahimi, Paul Evans, Monica Kurnatowska and Blair Robinson.

Our team is busy advising multinational companies on employment law issues surrounding workplace inclusion, diversity and equity programs. This is an area to watch as the legal landscape related to ID&E programs is shifting.

While there’s pressure from employees and shareholders to increase and improve corporate diversity and inclusion (not to mention the potential for better financial outcomes), there is also a growing trend of state and local legislation restricting workplace ID&E efforts, increasing claims of reverse discrimination and attacks on laws mandating diversity on corporate boards. And, outside the US, there are new regulations requiring pay transparency and reporting, and new reasons to consider undertaking equal value and pay equity audits with counsel.

Listen in to our 5-part series of quick chats to get the lay of the land: ID&E IMPACT Video Miniseries Roundup