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We are exited to invite you to our  two-part Annual Illinois Employer Update on February 2, 2021 from 1:00 – 2:15 pm CST and February 4, 2021 from 3:00 – 4:15 pm CST.

In two 75-minute virtual sessions, we will forecast what is likely to have the most significant impact on Illinois employers in 2021, provide a review of recent developments from 2020 that employers should be aware of, and offer practical tips and checklists for navigating the new normal.

Our February 2 webinar will focus on Labor & Employment developments in the following areas:

  • COVID-19 and its continued impact on the workforce, including insight on vaccinations, and permanent work from home arrangements
  • Changes to expect under a Biden Administration for labor and employment
  • Inclusion and diversity considerations for 2021, including pay equity issues, diversity training, collecting demographic data, and considerations on publishing diversity metrics
  • Recent Illinois laws you’ll want to keep top-of-mind as you head into 2021

Our February 4 webinar will cover developments in both Compensation & Benefits and Global Immigration & Mobility. Among other topics, you will hear about:

  • Pandemic-related updates, including specific pandemic-related travel updates and the impact of the pandemic on compensation and benefits
  • Key changes we expect under a Biden Administration, including an expansion of H1B visas and predicted changes to the compensation and benefits landscape
  • New post-Brexit UK immigration rules effective January 2021
  • Key developments impacting global equity plans

Click here to view the webinar invitation and register. We look forward to your participation!